Community Engagement

The Toronto Aboriginal Social Services Council (TASSC) is inviting those who self-identify as First Nation, Métis or Inuit to participate in a series of community engagements. This is part of the continuing work of the Toronto Aboriginal Research Project (TARP) and the Tkaronto Indigenous Prosperity Plan.
The purpose of the engagement is to hear the aspirations of our community and the strengths, but also the systemic barriers we continue to face. Additional information will be gathered to understand the demographics and service needs of our community to support the research. The outcome of the studies will be to understand the community’s view on the with original Toronto Aboriginal Research Project (TARP) report recommendations from 2011 and to develop an action plan to address Indigenous poverty and build a more inclusive and prosperous city for the Indigenous people who call it home.

The goal is to have a report by the 2021-year end which will be shared with the community, governments, and other funders.

We value the knowledge our community shares and we will be compensating all who participate for their contributions. Gift cards of $100, $50 and $25 will be given out for various levels of participation such as group discussions and surveys.
Each TASSC agency will have a community session and the session dates will be announced on an ongoing basis. Additional gift cards will not be available for those to attend multiple sessions.

There will be cultural and wellness supports available during and following the community sessions for all participants.

The community’s responses will be anonymous and will be used by the Indigenous community to drive change, and help eliminate barriers. The information gathered will be stored on TASSC’s servers and will be available for those who request to review it. Additional information about our information gathering is available upon request.

If you have any questions, contact

The following are the TASSC agencies that will be hosting community engagement sessions. If you are interested in attending a session of a specific agency, you can inquire directly about the date their session is being held and register.

  • Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
  • Nishnawbe Homes
  • Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy
  • Thunder Woman’s Healing Lodge Society
  • Toronto & York Region Métis Council
  • Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre
  • Toronto Inuit Association
  • Urban Indigenous Education Centre
  • Wigwamen